The department “Mechanics”, which provides training in the education programs "6B05403 - Mechanics - applied mathematics" (bachelor’s degree) and "7М05403 - Mechanics - applied mathematics" (master's degree), was created by order of the University under No. 315 dated October 13, 2006
The department employs 10 people. Of these, 2 doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, 1 Ph.D., 5 candidates of technical sciences, 1 candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, 1 senior teacher in the specialty "Mechanics". The proportion of full-time teachers with advanced degrees is 90%
The head of the department: Adilbek Kaliyev - candidate of technic sciences,ass.professor.
Mission: Training of competitive specialists in the fueld of methematics,mechanics and mathematical and computer modeling,capable of succesfully working ib various fields of activity, highly qualified and fundamentally trained scientists,expert analysts,teachers and other specialists in mathematics and mechanics.
Vision: The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics as the leading structural unit of a national research university based on the close integration of education,science and industy.